

Listed here are the most common errors you may encounter while attempting to upload files, along with what they mean and possible workarounds.

Error while copying file to target location (copied bytes: xxx, expected filesize: yyy)

This error is most likely due to an issue with the target storage location. During file uploads the file data is read from PHP input and copied into a part file on the target storage.

If the target storage is not local (e.g.: FTP) and that storage is slow, not available, or broken it is likely that the operation will fail either at the beginning, or in the middle of the copy. Other reasons for this message can be that, when writing to external storage, the connection took too long to respond or the network connection was flaky.

Sharing sidebar does not show Shared with you by … for remote shares

In some scenarios, when users share folders and files with each other they cannot be scanned. There are a variety of reasons why this happens, which can include firewalls and broken servers.

In these situations, when the initial scan did not complete successfully, the mount point cannot appear in the ownCloud web UI. This is because ownCloud was not able to generate a matching file cache entry, nor retrieve any metadata about whether it’s a folder or file (mime type), etc.

PIM Troubleshooting

BlackBerry OS up to 10.2.2102 does not accept a URL with protocol https:// in front of the server address. It will always tell you that it cannot login on your server. So instead of writing:

in the server address field, you have to write: