Add a RESTful API (optional)

A RESTful API allows other apps such as Android or iPhone apps to access and change your notes. Since syncing is a big core component of ownCloud it is a good idea to add, and document, your own RESTful API.

Because we put our logic into the NoteService class it is very easy to reuse it. The only pieces that need to be changed are the annotations which disable the CSRF check (not needed for a REST call usually) and add support for CORS so your API can be accessed from other webapps.

With that in mind create a new controller in ownnotes/lib/Controller/NoteApiController.php:

namespace OCA\OwnNotes\Controller;

use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\AppFramework\ApiController;

use OCA\OwnNotes\Service\NoteService;

class NoteApiController extends ApiController {

    private $service;
    private $userId;

    use Errors;

    public function __construct($AppName, IRequest $request,
                                NoteService $service, $UserId){
        parent::__construct($AppName, $request);
        $this->service = $service;
        $this->userId = $UserId;

     * @CORS
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function index() {
        return new DataResponse($this->service->findAll($this->userId));

     * @CORS
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
    public function show($id) {
        return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
            return $this->service->find($id, $this->userId);

     * @CORS
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param string $title
     * @param string $content
    public function create($title, $content) {
        return $this->service->create($title, $content, $this->userId);

     * @CORS
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
     * @param string $title
     * @param string $content
    public function update($id, $title, $content) {
        return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $title, $content) {
            return $this->service->update($id, $title, $content, $this->userId);

     * @CORS
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
    public function destroy($id) {
        return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
            return $this->service->delete($id, $this->userId);


All that is left is to connect the controller to a route and enable the built in pre-flighted CORS method which is defined in the ApiController base class:

return [
    'resources' => [
        'note' => ['url' => '/notes'],
        'note_api' => ['url' => '/api/0.1/notes']
    'routes' => [
        ['name' => 'page#index', 'url' => '/', 'verb' => 'GET'],
        ['name' => 'note_api#preflighted_cors', 'url' => '/api/0.1/{path}',
         'verb' => 'OPTIONS', 'requirements' => ['path' => '.+']]

It is a good idea to version your API in your URL

Testing the API

You can test the API by running a GET request with curl:

curl -u user:password http://localhost:8080/index.php/apps/ownnotes/api/0.1/notes

Since the NoteApiController is basically identical to the NoteController, the unit test for it simply inherits its tests from the NoteControllerTest. Create the file ownnotes/tests/Unit/Controller/NoteApiControllerTest.php:

namespace OCA\OwnNotes\Tests\Unit\Controller;

require_once __DIR__ . '/NoteControllerTest.php';

class NoteApiControllerTest extends NoteControllerTest {

    public function setUp() {
        $this->controller = new NoteApiController(
            'ownnotes', $this->request, $this->service, $this->userId
