
PHP Unit Tests

ownCloud uses PHPUnit >= 7.5 for unit testing PHP code.

Getting PHPUnit

Running make in your terminal from the webroot directory will prepare everything for testing. This will install beside necessary dependencies, a local version of PHPUnit at <webroot>/lib/composer/phpunit/phpunit.

  • Run make help to get a list of parameters

  • To update your testing environment run make clean and make again.

  • Take care that the php phpunit file in the path provided has the executable permission set.

Running PHP Unit tests

There are existing test options provided by ownCloud. To run them, change into the root directory of your ownCloud installation and run grep "make test" <(make help) to see tests and parameters available.

You should see output similar to the below example.

make test

run all tests

make test-php-unit

run all PHP tests

make test-php-style

run PHP code style checks

make test-php-phan

run PHP phan static code analyzer

make test-php-phpstan

run PHP phpstan static code analyzer

make test-js

run Javascript tests

make test-js-debug

run Javascript tests in debug mode (continuous)

make test-acceptance-api

run API acceptance tests

make test-acceptance-cli

run CLI acceptance tests

make test-acceptance-webui

run webUI acceptance tests

make test-php-unit

TEST_DATABASE=mysql TEST_PHP_SUITE=path/to/testfile.php

make test-php-style-fix

run PHP code style checks and fix any issues found

Testing Apps

To run the tests for a specific app with the provided PHPUnit version:

  1. Change into one of the writable directories listed in the apps_paths array in config/config.php, for example:

    cd apps-external
  2. Clone the app from GitHub, for example:

    git clone https://github.com/owncloud/notes.git
  3. Enable the app, for example:

    cd ..
    sudo -u www-data ./occ app:enable notes
  4. Change into the newly cloned directory, for example:

    cd apps-external/notes
  5. Run the following command:

    make test-php-unit

    Here’s an example of running the command in the notes app:

    php -d zend.enable_gc=0  "/home/phil/git/owncloud/core/apps-external/notes/../../lib/composer/bin/phpunit" --configuration ./phpunit.xml --testsuite unit
    PHPUnit 7.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 7.3.16-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 with Xdebug 2.9.3
    Configuration: /home/phil/git/owncloud/core/apps-external/notes/phpunit.xml
    ..................................                                34 / 34 (100%)
    Time: 541 ms, Memory: 24.00 MB
    OK (34 tests, 107 assertions)
    Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done

Apps that are part of core do not have their own Makefile. Third party apps are all apps that are not distributed by ownCloud or not in the supported apps list.

Writing PHP Unit tests

To get started, do the following:

  • Create a directory called tests/unit in the top level of your application

  • Create a PHP file in the directory and require_once your class which you want to test.

Then you can run the created test with phpunit.

Alternatively, you can use the default Makefile to automate your unit tests.

If you use ownCloud functions in your class under test (i.e: OC::getUser()) you’ll need to bootstrap ownCloud or use dependency injection.

You’ll most likely run your tests under a different user than the Web server. This might cause problems with your PHP settings (i.e., open_basedir) and requires you to adjust your configuration.

Given the class MyClass in your app:


namespace OCA\MyApp;

class MyClass {
    public function addTwo($number) {
        return $number + 2;

An example for a simple test would be:

namespace OCA\Myapp\Tests;

class MyClassTest extends \Test\TestCase {
    protected $myClass;

    protected function setUp() {
        $this->myClass = new MyClass();

    public function testAddTwo(){
        $this->assertEquals(5, $this->testMe->addTwo(3));

The class under test and the test class should share the same namespace so you do not need to use a dedicated use statement for it. This is the recommended way to organize tests.

In /srv/http/owncloud/apps/myapp/ you run the test with the following command:

phpunit tests/unit/MyClassTest.php

Make sure to extend the \Test\TestCase class with your test and always call the parent methods, when overwriting setUp(), setUpBeforeClass(), tearDown() or tearDownAfterClass() methods from the TestCase. These methods set up important stuff and clean up the system after the test so that the next test can run without side effects, such as clearing files and entries from the file cache, etc. For more resources on writing tests for PHPUnit visit the writing tests section of the PHPUnit documentation.

Bootstrapping ownCloud

If you use ownCloud functions or classes in your code, you’ll need to make them available to your test by bootstrapping ownCloud.

To do this, you’ll need to provide the --bootstrap argument when running PHPUnit

cd /srv/http/owncloud
phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php apps/myapp/tests/testsuite.php

If you run the test suite as a user other than your Web server, you’ll have to adjust your php.ini and file rights.

nano /etc/php/php.ini

and add open_basedir = none

cd /srv/http/owncloud
su -c "chmod a+r config/config.php"
su -c "chmod a+rx data/"
su -c "chmod a+w data/owncloud.log"

Running Unit Tests for ownCloud Core

The core project provides a script that runs all the core unit tests using the specified database backend like sqlite, mysql, pgsql, oci (for Oracle), the default is sqlite

To run tests on mysql or pgsql you need a database user called oc_autotest with the password owncloud. This user needs the privilege to create and delete the database called oc_autotest.

MySQL Setup

CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest;
CREATE USER 'oc_autotest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud';
GRANT ALL ON oc_autotest.* TO 'oc_autotest'@'localhost';
For parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0
CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest0;
CREATE USER 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud';
GRANT ALL ON oc_autotest0.* TO 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost';

PostgreSQL Setup

su - postgres
# Use password "owncloud"
createuser -P oc_autotest

# Give the user the privilege to create databases
psql -c 'ALTER USER oc_autotest CREATEDB;'

To enable dropdb add local all all trust to pg_hba.conf.

For parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0
su - postgres
# Use password "owncloud"
createuser -P oc_autotest0

# Give the user the privilege to create databases
psql -c 'ALTER USER oc_autotest0 CREATEDB;'

Run Tests

To run all tests, run the following command:

make test-php-unit

To run tests only for MySQL, run the following command:

make test-php-unit TEST_DATABASE=mysql

To run a particular test suite, use the following command as a guide:

make test-php-unit TEST_DATABASE=mysql TEST_PHP_SUITE=tests/lib/share/share.php

By default, a code coverage report is generated after the test run. To avoid the time taken for that, specify NOCOVERAGE:

make test-php-unit NOCOVERAGE=true TEST_DATABASE=mysql TEST_PHP_SUITE=tests/lib/share/share.php

Unit Testing JavaScript in Core

JavaScript Unit testing for core and core apps is done using the Karma test runner with Jasmine.

Installing Node JS

To run the JavaScript unit tests you will need to install Node JS. You can get it here: http://nodejs.org/ After that you will need to setup the Karma test environment. The easiest way to do this is to run the automatic test script first, see next section.

Running All The Tests

To run all JavaScript tests, run the following command:

make test-js

This will also automatically set up your test environment.

Debugging Tests in the Browser

To debug tests in the browser, this will run Karma in browser mode

make test-js-debug

From there, open the URL http://localhost:9876 in a web browser. On that page, click on the Debug button. An empty page will appear, from which you must open the browser console (F12 in Firefox/Chrome). Every time you reload the page, the unit tests will be relaunched and will output the results in the browser console.

Unit Test File Paths

JavaScript unit test examples can be found in apps/files/tests/js/.
Unit tests for the core app JavaScript code can be found in core/js/tests/specs.


Here are some useful links about how to write unit tests with Jasmine and Sinon: