Publishing in the ownCloud Marketplace

The ownCloud Marketplace

With the ownCloud marketplace, introduced in 2017, we offer a flexible and easy way to publish your apps and extend your ownCloud. In addition every ownCloud gets shipped with the new market app which makes it possible to manage apps directly out of your running ownCloud instance. Connected with the ownCloud marketplace it mirrors your marketplace account and provides an easy way to install and update apps.

The process of publishing apps aims to be:

  • Secure

  • Transparent

  • Welcoming

  • Fair

  • Easy to maintain

Apps in the store are divided into three levels of trust:

  • Official

  • Approved

  • Experimental

With each level come requirements and a position in the store.


Official apps are developed by and within the ownCloud community and its Github repository and offer functionality central to ownCloud. They are ready for serious use and can be considered a part of ownCloud.


  • Developed in the ownCloud GitHub repo.

  • Minimum of 2 active maintainers and contributions from others.

  • Security audited and design reviewed.

  • App is at least six months old and has seen regular releases.

  • Follows app guidelines.

  • Supports the same platforms and technologies mentioned in the release notes of the ownCloud version this app is made for.

ownCloud Marketplace:

  • Available in Apps page in a separate category.

  • Sorted first in all overviews, Official tag.

  • Shown as featured on, etc.

  • Major releases optionally featured in the news section on owncloud-announce list.

  • New versions/updates approved by at least one other person.

Official apps include those that are part of the release tarball. We’d like to keep the tarball minimal, so most official apps are not part of the standard installation.


Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository, and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use.


  • Code is developed in an open and version-managed code repository, ideally GitHub, with git. But other VCS’ and hosting options are also OK.

  • Minimum of one active developer/maintainer.

  • Minimum 5 ratings, average score 60/100 or better.

  • App is at least three months old.

  • Follows app guidelines.

  • The developer is trusted.

  • App is subject to unannounced security audits.

  • Has defined requirements and dependencies (like what browsers, databases, PHP versions and so on are supported).

Developer trust: The developer(s) is/are known in the community; he/she has/have been active for a while, have met others at events and/or worked with others in various areas.

Security audits: in practice, this means that at least some of the code of this developer has been audited; either through another app by the same developer or with an earlier version of the app. And that the attitude of the developer towards these audits has been positive.

ownCloud Marketplace:

  • Visible in ownCloud Marketplace by default

  • Sorted above experimental apps

  • Search results sorted by ratings

  • Developer can directly push new versions to the store

  • Warning shows for security/stability risks


Apps which have not been checked at all for security and/or are new, known to be unstable or under heavy development.


  • No malicious intent found from this developer at any time

  • 0 confirmed security problems

  • Less than three unconfirmed `security flags'

  • Rating over 20/100

ownCloud Marketplace:

  • Show up in Apps page provided user has enabled allow installation of experimental apps in the settings.

  • Warning about security and stability risks is shown for app

  • Sorted below all others.

App Categories

The following categories are available for apps to be filed under:

  • Automation

  • Collaboration

  • Customization

  • External plugins

  • Games

  • Integration

  • Multimedia

  • Productivity

  • Security

  • Storage

  • Tools

To make your app available under one of these categories, please make sure to user the proper tag in your info.xml:


Note: For publishing themes, this tag must be present but empty.


App Tags

Besides these categories apps can have different tags:

  • Enterprise

  • Verified

  • Trusted


Apps with the Enterprise tag are official ownCloud enterprise apps. These can only be uploaded by ownCloud itself and represent ownCloud Enterprise Edition features.

ownCloud "Enterprise" tag

The ownCloud 'Enterprise' Tag


To get the verified label on your app, you must request a review. We then will look into your app and check if it meets the ownCloud app development guidelines (see below). The advantages of verified apps are that:

  • they are labeled with verified badge.

  • they are available in apps page in separate category.

  • only verified apps can be displayed in the featured area.

  • major releases optionally featured in the news section on

ownCloud "Verified" tag

ownCloud 'Verified' tag


If your app reaches a rating level of 4 or higher based on 40 ratings or more it automatically gets the badge trusted. It represents a community oriented level of quality which makes it more attractive to other users. The advantages of trusted apps are that:

  • they are labeled with trusted badge.

  • the user can filter by trusted apps.

App Review Process

To request an app review go to Account  My Products  Edit app and click on the button Request review. Usually, it takes 3-5 work days to review your app. You will be notified about the result.

If it is successful, your app will get the verified badge. Please be aware of when uploading a new release to a verified app, you need to request a new review for the new release. To keep your verified badge, request the review before setting your new release to published.

App Guidelines

The following are the guidelines your app should follow to provide a high quality.

  • Apps can not use ownCloud in their name

  • Irregular and unannounced security audits of all apps can and will take place.

  • If any indication of malicious intent or bad faith is found the developer(s) in question can count on a minimum two-year ban from any ownCloud infrastructure.

  • Malicious intent includes deliberate spying on users by leaking user data to a third party system or adding a back door (like a hard coded user account) to ownCloud. An unintentional security bug that gets fixed in time won’t be considered bad faith.

  • Apps do not violate any laws; it has to comply with copyright- and trademark law.

  • App authors have to respond timely to security concerns and not make ownCloud more vulnerable to attack.

Distributing malicious or illegal applications can have legal consequences including, but not limited to ownCloud or affected users taking legal action.


  • Apps can only use the public ownCloud API

  • At time of the release of an app, it can only be configured to be compatible with the latest ownCloud release +1

  • Apps should not cause ownCloud to break, consume excessive memory or slow ownCloud down

  • Apps should not hamper functionality of ownCloud unless that is explicitly the goal of the app

Providing Information

When uploading an app, it should provide a professional and informative look and feel. To do so, please consider the following three points:

  • The title of your app can be up to 50 characters. Provide a unique name, which makes it easy for users to identify the product. Do not include your developer and/or company name in the title.

  • The summary of your app can be up to 90 characters. Provide a short description. This will be displayed below the product titles.

  • The description of your app can be up to 4000 characters and supports Markdown formatting. It should, ideally, provide all the necessary information about your app — especially information necessary to convince the user to download, use, and buy your app. So, don’t get lost in technical details. Explain in simple, yet precise, steps what the user will get. When writing, focus on the benefits your app offers.


  • Provide meaningful images to your users.

  • For best results, images should be 1400px wide and should go with a rough aspect ratio of 2:1

  • The first image provided in your apps info.xml will be used as the preview image and is displayed in the top area of your marketplace app page.

Respect the Users

  • Apps have to follow design and HTML/CSS layout guidelines

  • Apps correctly clean up after themselves on uninstall and correctly handle up- and downgrades

  • Apps communicate their intended purpose and active features, including features introduced through updates.

  • Apps respect the users’ choices and do not make unexpected changes, or limit users’ ability to revert them. For example, they do not remove other apps or disable settings.

  • Apps must respect user privacy. If user data is sent anywhere, this must be explained and be kept to a minimum for the functioning of an app. Use proper security measures when needed.


ownCloud reserves the right to block and/or delete any uploaded app which does not comply with the ownCloud quality standards. Additionally, we reserve the right to ban publishers who attempt to upload malicious code. This does not depend on whether it happens intentionally or not.

Available Products Tags

Table 1. Available Product Tags
Tag Description


A unique id. URL of your app will be based on this.


The name/title of your app; Max. 50 characters; Provide a concise name so users can identify your app easily; Do not include your developers/company name.


Provide a short description (max. 90 chars). This gets displayed below the product title and on the product tiles; mandatory since ownCloud 10.0.0.


Max. 4000 characters; Provide all necessary, detailed information about the product. This should contain all user relevant information. Don’t get lost in technical details, focus on the benefits the product offers; Also, use markdown to layout your description.


At the moment following license are available:

To overwrite a release (using the same version number) it must be in state planned. Once published, you cannot replace a release.


The category you want to publish your app in; For all available categories see above.


Image URL; insert multiple tags if you want to include multiple images; Note: marketplace will store images in its own file system. You do not need to provide the images on you own hosted area after the upload.


Min and max version of ownCloud platform your app works with. For example:

  <owncloud min-version="10.0" max-version="10.0" />
For a complete list of tags see: Application Metadata.