General Settings
In general settings, some of the features you will see include the following:
Usage and available quota
Manage your profile picture
Full name
You can make this anything you want, as it is separate from your ownCloud login name, which is unique and cannot be changed -
Email address
List your group memberships
Manage your password
Choose the language for your ownCloud interface
Account related settings
Links to desktop and mobile apps
Manage your activity stream and notifications
Default folder to save new documents to
Your federated sharing ID
Social sharing links
ownCloud version
The following image is an example screen of the General section:

Managing Your Profile Picture

Changing Your Profile Picture
There are two options to set your profile picture:
You can upload an image; or
Select an existing profile picture
Upload a Profile Picture
To upload an image from your device, click the "Upload new" button, which opens a file browser with which you can choose an image to upload. After you’ve chosen an image, you will then be able to crop the uploaded image, if required, to just the segment of the image that you want to use for your profile picture. You can see an example in the screenshot below.

When you’re happy with the image, click Choose as profile picture, and the image will be set as your profile picture.
The image can be a maximum of 20MB in size. |
Update Your Full Name
To update (or change) your full name, amend the existing text in the text box below “Full name”. After a few seconds, your full name will be auto-saved.

If the full name cannot be changed, you will see a notification, as in the example below.

Update Your Email Address
To update your email address, change the address in the text box below “Email” and click Set email.
Update Your Password

To change your password, under Password, enter your current password in the first password field (with the placeholder text “Current password”) and your new password in the second password field (with the placeholder text “New password”), and then click Change password.
Password changes automatically log out all connected browsers/devices. |
Set the Language

To change the language for your user account, pick the desired language from the drop-down menu under Language. The new language will be auto-saved shortly after you select it.
Account Related Settings
In the Account section, you will see the following buttons:

To comply with article 15 of the GDPR framework, ownCloud provides the following buttons to:
Request data export
Request account deletion
When a user clicks on one of these buttons, the admin group will receive an email with the users request for further processing.
If users need to change their role, they need to click the Request new role button, enter the request and send it to the admin group for further processing. A possible change can be that the user needs to be a group admin for a particular custom group.