WND Configuration Quick Guide
This is a quick guide for installing and configuring the Windows Network Drive (WND) app.
To successfully use the Windows Network Drive app, you must meet the prerequisites which can be found in the Server Preparation for Ubuntu 20.04. In particular, these are the sections required which address smbclient
Clean Ubuntu 20.04 Installation) and libsmbclient-php
libsmbclient-php Library).
Install the WND app either via the Web Interface or the command line:
- WebUI
The Windows Network Drive app has to be downloaded from the Market App. Navigate to the Market app, search for Windows Network Drive and install it.
Post installing enable it via
- Command line
sudo -u www-data ./occ market:install windows_network_drive
sudo -u www-data ./occ app:enable windows_network_drive
Enable external shares:
Navigate to
Enable the external storage
Create a new share and choose Windows network Drives
Configure external share:
Folder Name: A name for the WND Share
Authentication: Choose Log-in credentials, save in database
Host: domain name or IP address
Share: name of the top share
Remote Subfolder: enter
for every user to get a home drive -
Permission Manager: leave empty to use the default one
Domain: domain name of your server
Available for: limit access to groups
Settings: (gear wheel) enable the options you need
If you plan to use ownCloud only in the Web Browser - your setup of the WND is complete. |
If you plan to use a desktop client, you need to continue and configure the WND listener and WND process queue.
Lastly, you need to setup the wnd listener and process queue to propagate the changes made directly on the storage of your share to the sync client.
This can be done in 2 ways:
you configure a new systemd service for the listener and setup a process queue cron job
you setup a cronjob for the wnd:listen command and process queue cron job
WND Listener Configuration
Create a service for systemd following the instructions below that checks the share for changes:
For each WND mount point distinguished by a SERVER - SHARE pair:
Replace the all upper case words
in both, the filename and in the contents below with their respective values. -
Place one copy of a file with the content from below under
To do so, enter the following command and replace <name> withowncloud-wnd-listen-SERVER-SHARE
. For more details see Editing Unit Files.sudo systemctl edit --force --full <name>.service
bashReload the deamon to make it available:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
bash -
Take care to also adjust the paths in
according to your installation. -
Password: Create a file readable only by the www-data user and outside the directories handled by Apache (let’s suppose in /tmp/mypass). The file must contain only the password for the share. In this example our file is: "/tmp/mypass". The listener will read the contents of the file and use them as the password for the account. This way, only root and the Apache user should have access to the password.
in directiveExecStart
removes blank characters from the password file added by 3rdparty software or other services.
Content template for
[Unit] Description=ownCloud WND Listener for SERVER SHARE After=syslog.target After=network.target Requires=apache2.service [Service] User=www-data Group=www-data WorkingDirectory=/var/www/owncloud ExecStart=/usr/bin/php ./occ wnd:listen -vvv SERVER SHARE USER --password-file=/opt/mypass --password-trim Type=simple StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal SyslogIdentifier=%n KillMode=process RestartSec=3 Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
plaintext -
Run the following command, once for each created file:
sudo systemctl enable owncloud-wnd-listen-SERVER-SHARE.service sudo systemctl start owncloud-wnd-listen-SERVER-SHARE.service
WND Process Queue Configuration
Create or add a crontab
file in /etc/cron.d/oc-wnd-process-queue
Make a
entry to run a script iterating over allSERVER SHARE
pairs with an appropriateocc wnd:process-queue
command. The commands must be strictly sequential. This can be done by usingflock -n
and tuning the-c
parameter ofocc wnd:process-queue
* * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/owncloud/occ wnd:process-queue <HOST> <SHARE>
Execution Serialization
Parallel runs of wnd:process-queue
might lead to a user lockout. The reason for this, is that several
might use the same wrong password because it hasn’t been updated by the time they
fetch it.
It’s recommended to force the execution serialization of the wnd:process-queue
command. You might want to
use Anacron, which seems to have an option for this scenario, or wrap the command with flock.
If you need to serialize the execution of the wnd:process-queue, check the following example with flock
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/wnd001 occ wnd:process-queue server1 share1
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/wnd002 occ wnd:process-queue server1 share2
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/wnd003 occ wnd:process-queue server2 share3
The process queue will not work if there is a backslash in the share path configured in webui.
The process queue will not work if the share name in the webui is configured starting with a forward slash
If you encounter issues using Windows network drive, then try the following troubleshooting steps:
Check the connection to the share by using smbclient on the command line of the ownCloud server. Here is an example:
smbclient -U Username -L //Servername
Take the example of attempting to connect to the share named MyData using occ wnd:listen. Running the following command would work:
sudo -u www-data ./occ wnd:listen MyHost MyData svc_owncloud password
The command is case-sensitive, and it must match the information from the mount point configuration.
When the output of the
occ process-queue ..
command shows0 Storages found
, then this means, that there was no corresponding external storage configuration found, because:-
The casing between calling the process queue and the web interface does not exactly match.
The authentication method is not correctly configured, it needs to be Log-in credentials, save in database