Revisions Cleanup

The revisions command allows removing the revisions of files in the storage.

ocis revisions purge [--dry-run=false] -p /base/path/storage/users

It takes the --resource-id (or --r) parameter which specifies the scope of the command:

  • An empty string (default) removes all revisions from all spaces.

  • A spaceID (like d419032c-65b9-4f4e-b1e4-0c69a946181d\$44b5a63b-540c-4002-a674-0e9c833bbe49) removes all revisions in that space.

  • A resourceID (e.g. d419032c-65b9-4f4e-b1e4-0c69a946181d\$44b5a63b-540c-4002-a674-0e9c833bbe49\!e8a73d49-2e00-4322-9f34-9d7f178577b2) removes all revisions from that specific file.

This command provides additional options:

  • --dry-run (default: true)
    Do not remove any revisions but print the revisions that would be removed. Note: This is a safety measure so you don’t delete your revisions accidentally. You must specify --dry-run=false for the purge to be effective.

  • -b / --blobstore
    Allows specifying the blobstore to use. Defaults to ocis. Can be switched to s3ng but needs addtional envvar configuration (see the storage-users service for more details).

  • -v / --verbose
    Prints additional information about the revisions that are removed.

  • --glob-mechanism (default: glob
    (advanced) Allows specifying the mechanism to use for globbing. Can be glob, list or workers. In most cases the default glob does not need to be changed. If large spaces need to be purged, list or workers can be used to improve performance at the cost of higher cpu and ram usage. list will spawn 10 threads that list folder contents in parallel. workers will use a special globbing mechanism and multiple threads to achieve the best performance for the highest cost.