

All services need to be able to communicate with each other. To do so, they register in a common registry. The registry is defined via Extended Environment Variables. Also see the nats service which provides an embedded nats based registry.

Available Registries

The type of registry to use can be configured with the MICRO_REGISTRY environment variable and subsequent ones. Supported values are:

  • nats-js-kv (Default)
    Set the environment variable to nats-js-kv or leave it empty to use a nats-js key value store as registry.

    If not running built-in nats, MICRO_REGISTRY_ADDRESS needs to be set to the address of the nats-js cluster, which is the same value as OCIS_EVENTS_ENDPOINT. Optional: Use MICRO_REGISTRY_AUTH_USERNAME and MICRO_REGISTRY_AUTH_PASSWORD to authenticate with the nats cluster.
  • memory
    Setting the environment variable to memory starts an in-memory registry. This only works with the single binary deployment.