The ocis init Command


When setting up Infinite Scale, the ocis init command can be used for basic configuration but is not suitable for all environments. This document describes the details.


In general, the ocis init command initializes ocis for the first run and creates an ocis.yaml configuration file. See Configuration Rules for the file location. This command is helpful if you do not provide the necessary settings manually, but some rules apply.

Container Orchestration

Docker Compose

When deploying via docker compose as described in the Local Production Setup deployment example, you will find in the compose examples provided the following command:

command: ["-c", "ocis init || true; ocis server"]

When executed, this command will run ocis init, but skips initialisation if there is a configuration found. In case it is not found, ocis.yaml will be created and any output of the initialisation will get logged.

Command Notes

Whenever there is a change in the existing configuration, independent of whether ocis init was run before, ocis init will:

  • fail if it finds an existing ocis.yaml file.

  • not update any existing configuration.

  • overwrite an existing configuration when using the --force-overwrite command option - which is intended for development purposes only. For a brief overview see the ocis init description in the General Information documentation.

How to Apply Manual Changes

If changes are necessary after running ocis init, these changes can be applied in different ways:

  • Adding changes in ocis.yaml.

  • Providing changes via environment variables.

  • Providing changes via yaml files.

In any case, after changes have been applied, Infinite Scale bust be restarted to make changes effective.

Diff Mode

ocis init provides an a additional argument with which you can generate a patchable diff file. The --diff argument can be used when you update to a new Infinite Scale version and want to see which changes to mandatory settings have appeared. Using the diff argument is safe, as the command never changes any settings.

The diff is stored in the config folder as ocis.config.patch file and can either be applied to ocis.yaml using the linux patch command or you can apply the changes manually.

Example diff command
ocis init --diff
Example diff file when upgrading from 5 (production) to 6 (rolling)
--- /home/user_1/.ocis/config/ocis.yaml        2024-08-02 12:31:45.892704129 +0200
+++ /home/user_1/.ocis/config/ocis.yaml.tmp    2024-08-02 12:34:07.881151244 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
     idm_password: W&U!5HMYKe^Kjb@bZQ9hK1+IQ*3C.eZ0
     reva_password: .5RpDorc*5L$kox#J-0PL@h^H+6V=Ezv
     idp_password: eGP$Of5C7$#%^ikG6K8p%LO9arNRnHEA
+  wopi:
+    secret: ""
+  app:
+    insecure: true
     insecure: true
@@ -116,3 +121,7 @@
     service_account_id: 433d9b85-6a54-4ef0-87ff-b1c419eedcb8
     service_account_secret: 9&SO@a$t%G7wHup^QtQ^qXDqfDzo7TM&
+  service_account:
+    service_account_id: 433d9b85-6a54-4ef0-87ff-b1c419eedcb8
+    service_account_secret: 9&SO@a$t%G7wHup^QtQ^qXDqfDzo7TM&