Quick Guide


This quick guide provides copy and paste commands to have an Infinite Scale instance up and running within minutes for hands on use. Read the documentation for details before you dive down and plan to deploy into production.

Using this guide will get a minimal configured environment including demo users up and running but can by nature not go into depth. Note that the binary used is based on linux-amd-64bit.

We recommend reading the Deployment section of the documentation as the next step for more information on setup and configuration possibilities.


Open a shell and copy/paste the following commands:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ocis \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ocis
ocis init
OCIS_URL=https://localhost:9200 \
ocis server

After installing and starting Infinite Scale, you can access the web UI via https://localhost:9200

If you want to reuse an already configured minimized setup for any other address than https://localhost:9200: