Configure Settings


This guide steps you through how to configure ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad. It covers security, theme, logging, and media upload settings.

Settings Screen

To manage the settings in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad, click Settings in the bottom right-hand corner of the Accounts List view.

Accessing settings in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.



To protect access to the iOS app with a Passcode, enable Passcode Lock in the Setting’s Security section. You will then be prompted to enter, and repeat, a 4-digit Passcode. If a Passcode was set, the file provider extension in or in other third party apps will be locked too. The file provider presents a UI to unlock the Passcode.

Enable a Passcode lock in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.

Lock Delay

When a Passcode is enabled, the app will be locked every time you change to another application. However, under Settings  Security  Lock application, you can choose to only lock the application after 1, 5, or 30 minutes, instead of "immediately", which is the default.

Set the application lock duration in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.

Biometrical Lock

After a Passcode has been created, a Biometrical Lock, or Touch ID, can also be used to gain access to the app. To enable it enable Touch ID in the Setting’s Security section, and then enter your 4-digit Passcode. The next time you need to authorise access to the app, you will be able to enter either your Passcode, or use your stored biometrical data.

Authorise access with passcode or biometric data in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.

Trusted Certificates

View Previously Approved Certificates

To view previously approved certificates, navigate to Settings  Certificates (for any one of your registered accounts), and you will see them listed in the "User-Approved Certificates" section.

Inspect Previously Approved Certificates Details

To view previously approved certificates, swipe left on any of the accounts in the accounts list and click Edit. Then, under "SERVER URL", click Certificate Details. You will then be able to see all of the certificate’s details.

Revoke Previously Approved Certificates


To revoke one or more previously approved certificates, first navigate to Settings  Certificates (for any one of your registered accounts). Then, in the "User-Approved Certificates" section, swipe left on the certificate(s) that you wish to revoke and press Revoke approval.


The iOS app comes with three themes:

  • Light

  • Dark; and

  • Classic

To change the theme, navigate to Settings  Theme, and pick the one that you want.

Table 1. The three themes in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.
Classic theme Dark theme Light theme
ownCloud iOS App - Classic theme
ownCloud iOS App - Dark theme
ownCloud iOS App - Light theme

System Appearance (up from iOS 13)

When System Appearance is selected, ownCloud will automatically use the selected iOS system theme (light or dark) to reflect the system UI. Setting System Appearance is only available up from iOS 13.


The ownCloud iOS app has built-in logging functionality, available under Settings  Logging. To find out more, please refer to the logging section of the Troubleshooting guide.

Media Upload (Conversion)

When image and video files are uploaded, they can be converted to the industry-standard JPEG and MP4 respectively. This is not done by default.

The media upload (conversion) settings in ownCloud’s iOS App for iPhone and iPad.


To convert (the very efficient) HEIC (High Efficiency Image File Format) images to more compatible JPEG images, enable Convert HEIC to JPEG under Settings  Media Upload.


To convert the very efficient videos to more compatible MP4 videos, enable Convert videos to MP4 under Settings  Media Upload.