How to Contribute to the ownCloud Documentation
ownCloud welcomes all helpful contributions to the documentation, whether they’re reporting issues, adding new material, or writing tips and tricks.
Documentation Prerequisites
If you wish to contribute to the official documentation manuals, you must:
Have a GitHub account.
Get used to the framework:
The ownCloud documentation is written in the AsciiDoc file format and is powered by the Antora documentation platform.
Read the documentation for instructions on setting up your build environment and become familiar with the file format and the build system that powers the documentation.
When contributing to the documentation, please follow our Best Practices and Tips guide.
Fork the official repositories as described below, write your changes and create a pull request.
Documentation Sources
The locations for the sources can be found at:
The main page source which references all other documentation is found at owncloud/docs.
For Infinite Scale, you find the documentation source in owncloud/docs-ocis.
If you have any suggestions regarding development, see and the sources at owncloud/ocis.
For ownCloud Server, the
manuals are in owncloud/docs-server. -
The web UI documentation source for both ownCloud Server and Infinite Scale is located in owncloud/docs-webui.
The Desktop Sync Client documentation source is located in owncloud/docs-client-desktop.
The Android app documentation source is located in owncloud/docs-client-android.
The iOS app documentation source is located in owncloud/docs-client-ios-app.
Finally, when contributing to the UI used by all documentation repositories, the source is located at owncloud/docs-ui.
Reporting Documentation Errors
If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them. Please follow this template when reporting documentation errors:
First, search the respective repository for matching or similar issues.
If an issue is not available, open a new one in the respective repository.
Link to the error that you want to see fixed. Please be aware that there are multiple release versions of most of the manuals, so please be specific as to which version needs correcting, and if the issue is in the HTML or PDF version.
Quote the particular error.
Provide the correct solution (if you know it) and any links to supporting references. If you don’t know the answer that is OK.
Provide screenshots if they add useful information.
Provide your web browser, its version, and your operating system & version.