Environment Variables with Special Scopes
Some environment variables have a special, extended or global scope. Variables with special scope are related to a deployment method only. Variables with an extended scope do not directly configure services but functions underneath. Variables with a global scope can configure more than one service.
The global environment variable
is available in multiple services. -
The extended environment variable
can be used withocis init
. -
The special environment variable
is only available with a binary deployment.
Special Environment Variables
The following environment variables are only available when using a binary deployment. For additional information read the Start Infinite Scale documentation. Read the Environment Variable Types documentation for important details.
Name | Description |
A comma-separated list of service names. Will start only the listed services. |
A comma-separated list of service names. Will start all default services except of the ones listed. Has no effect when |
A comma-separated list of service names. Will add the listed services to the default configuration. Has no effect when |
The port where the runtime will start. Defaults to 9250. Only necessary when multiple runtimes are started in parallel. Each runtime must have its own port exclusively. |
The hostname the runtime will listen to. Defaults to |
Note to get the current list of services started by default, you need to run ocis server
without restriction which services to start and run afterwards ocis list
Extended Environment Variables
Note, see the Registry documentation for details on the Micro Registry and their available settings.
The extended
variables are defined in the following way. Read the Environment Variable Types documentation for important details. Column IV
shows with which release the environment variable has been introduced.
Name |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
Duration |
9223372036854775807 |
Timeout for GRPC connections. After timeout, a new connection will be established automatically. The default value is in ns and is about 2.5 mio h. |
string |
Error |
Set the log level for the internal go micro framework. Only change on supervision of ownCloud Support. |
string |
nats-js-kv |
The Go micro registry type to use. Supported types are: 'memory' and 'nats-js-kv' (default). Only change on supervision of ownCloud Support. |
string | |
The bind address of the internal go micro framework. Only change on supervision of ownCloud Support. |
string |
Optional when using nats to authenticate with the nats cluster. |
string |
Optional when using nats to authenticate with the nats cluster. |
string |
The base directory location used by several services and for user data. See the General Info section in the documentation for more details on defaults. Services can have, if available, an individual setting with an own environment variable. |
string |
The default directory location for config files. See the General Info section in the documentation for more details on defaults. |
Global Environment Variables
Note that the descriptions of these environment variables may differ depending on the service context.
The global
variables are defined in the following way. Read the Environment Variable Types documentation for important details. Column IV
shows with which release the environment variable has been introduced.
Name | IV | Services | Type | Default Value | Description |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
The default role assignments the demo users should be setup. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ID of the user that should receive admin privileges. Consider that the UUID can be encoded in some LDAP deployment configurations like in .ldif files. These need to be decoded beforehand. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
true |
Enable asynchronous file uploads. |
5.0 |
string |
The password to authenticate with the cache. Only applies when store type 'nats-js-kv' is configured. |
5.0 |
string |
The username to authenticate with the cache. Only applies when store type 'nats-js-kv' is configured. |
pre5.0 |
string |
settings-cache |
The database name the configured store should use. |
5.0 |
bool |
false |
Disables persistence of the cache. Only applies when store type 'nats-js-kv' is configured. Defaults to false. |
pre5.0 |
string |
memory |
The type of the cache store. Supported values are: 'memory', 'redis-sentinel', 'nats-js-kv', 'noop'. See the text description for details. |
pre5.0 |
[]string |
[] |
A list of nodes to access the configured store. This has no effect when 'memory' store is configured. Note that the behaviour how nodes are used is dependent on the library of the configured store. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
Duration |
10m0s |
Default time to live for entries in the cache. Only applied when access tokens has no expiration. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
true |
Allow credentials for CORS.See following chapter for more details: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Credentials. |
pre5.0 |
[]string |
[Authorization Origin Content-Type Accept X-Requested-With X-Request-Id] |
A list of allowed CORS headers. See following chapter for more details: Access-Control-Request-Headers at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Request-Headers. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
[]string |
A list of allowed CORS methods. See following chapter for more details: Access-Control-Request-Method at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Request-Method. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
[]string |
[*] |
A list of allowed CORS origins. See following chapter for more details: Access-Control-Allow-Origin at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Origin. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
string |
sync |
The propagator used for decomposedfs. At the moment, only 'sync' is fully supported, 'async' is available as an experimental option. |
5.0 |
string |
The default language used by services and the WebUI. If not defined, English will be used as default. See the documentation for more details. |
7.0.0 |
bool |
false |
Disables versioning of files. When set to true, new uploads with the same filename will overwrite existing files instead of creating a new version. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Community |
Edition of oCIS. Used for branding purposes. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Changing this value is NOT supported. Enables support for incoming federated sharing for clients. The backend behaviour is not changed. |
5.0 |
string |
The password to authenticate with the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services. |
5.0 |
string |
The username to authenticate with the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ocis-cluster |
The clusterID of the event system. The event system is the message queuing service. It is used as message broker for the microservice architecture. Mandatory when using NATS as event system. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Enable TLS for the connection to the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services. |
pre5.0 |
string | |
The address of the event system. The event system is the message queuing service. It is used as message broker for the microservice architecture. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The root CA certificate used to validate the server’s TLS certificate. If provided SEARCH_EVENTS_TLS_INSECURE will be seen as false. |
5.0 |
string | |
The bind address of the gateway GRPC address. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Path/File name for the root CA certificate (in PEM format) used to validate TLS server certificates of the go-micro based grpc services. |
pre5.0 |
string |
TLS mode for grpc connection to the go-micro based grpc services. Possible values are 'off', 'insecure' and 'on'. 'off': disables transport security for the clients. 'insecure' allows using transport security, but disables certificate verification (to be used with the autogenerated self-signed certificates). 'on' enables transport security, including server certificate verification. |
pre5.0 |
string |
tcp |
The transport protocol of the GRPC service. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Path/File name of the TLS server certificate (in PEM format) for the http services. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Activates TLS for the http based services using the server certifcate and key configured via OCIS_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE and OCIS_HTTP_TLS_KEY. If OCIS_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE is not set a temporary server certificate is generated - to be used with PROXY_INSECURE_BACKEND=true. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Path/File name for the TLS certificate key (in PEM format) for the server certificate to use for the http services. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Whether to verify the server TLS certificates. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The secret to mint and validate jwt tokens. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The URL to access keycloak. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The client id to authenticate with keycloak. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The realm the client is defined in. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The client secret to use in authentication. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Disable TLS certificate validation for Keycloak connections. Do not set this in production environments. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The realm users are defined. |
pre5.0 |
string |
uid=reva,ou=sysusers,o=libregraph-idm |
LDAP DN to use for simple bind authentication with the target LDAP server. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Password to use for authenticating the 'bind_dn'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
/var/lib/ocis/idm/ldap.crt |
Path/File name for the root CA certificate (in PEM format) used to validate TLS server certificates of the LDAP service. If not defined, the root directory derives from $OCIS_BASE_DATA_PATH/idm. |
pre5.0 |
string |
cn=DisabledUsersGroup,ou=groups,o=libregraph-idm |
The distinguished name of the group to which added users will be classified as disabled when 'disable_user_mechanism' is set to 'group'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
attribute |
An option to control the behavior for disabling users. Valid options are 'none', 'attribute' and 'group'. If set to 'group', disabling a user via API will add the user to the configured group for disabled users, if set to 'attribute' this will be done in the ldap user entry, if set to 'none' the disable request is not processed. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ou=groups,o=libregraph-idm |
Search base DN for looking up LDAP groups. |
pre5.0 |
string |
LDAP filter to add to the default filters for group searches. |
pre5.0 |
string |
groupOfNames |
The object class to use for groups in the default group search filter like 'groupOfNames'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
cn |
LDAP Attribute to use for the displayname of groups (often the same as groupname attribute). |
pre5.0 |
string |
cn |
LDAP Attribute to use for the name of groups. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ownclouduuid |
LDAP Attribute to use as the unique ID for groups. This should be a stable globally unique ID like a UUID. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Set this to true if the defined 'id' attribute for groups is of the 'OCTETSTRING' syntax. This is e.g. required when using the 'objectGUID' attribute of Active Directory for the group ID’s. |
pre5.0 |
string |
LDAP Attribute to use for the email address of groups (can be empty). |
pre5.0 |
string |
member |
LDAP Attribute that is used for group members. |
pre5.0 |
string |
sub |
LDAP search scope to use when looking up groups. Supported values are 'base', 'one' and 'sub'. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Disable TLS certificate validation for the LDAP connections. Do not set this in production environments. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
true |
Allow creating, modifying and deleting LDAP users via the GRAPH API. This can only be set to 'true' when keeping default settings for the LDAP user and group attribute types (the 'OCIS_LDAP_USER_SCHEMA_* and 'OCIS_LDAP_GROUP_SCHEMA_* variables). |
pre5.0 |
string |
ldaps://localhost:9235 |
URI of the LDAP Server to connect to. Supported URI schemes are 'ldaps://' and 'ldap://' |
pre5.0 |
string |
ou=users,o=libregraph-idm |
Search base DN for looking up LDAP users. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ownCloudUserEnabled |
LDAP attribute to use as a flag telling if the user is enabled or disabled. |
pre5.0 |
string |
LDAP filter to add to the default filters for user search like '(objectclass=ownCloud)'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
inetOrgPerson |
The object class to use for users in the default user search filter like 'inetOrgPerson'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
displayname |
LDAP Attribute to use for the displayname of users. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ownclouduuid |
LDAP Attribute to use as the unique ID for users. This should be a stable globally unique ID like a UUID. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Set this to true if the defined 'ID' attribute for users is of the 'OCTETSTRING' syntax. This is e.g. required when using the 'objectGUID' attribute of Active Directory for the user ID’s. |
pre5.0 |
string |
LDAP Attribute to use for the email address of users. |
pre5.0 |
string |
uid |
LDAP Attribute to use for username of users. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ownCloudUserType |
LDAP Attribute to distinguish between 'Member' and 'Guest' users. Default is 'ownCloudUserType'. |
pre5.0 |
string |
sub |
LDAP search scope to use when looking up users. Supported values are 'base', 'one' and 'sub'. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Activates colorized log output. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The path to the log file. Activates logging to this file if set. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The log level. Valid values are: 'panic', 'fatal', 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Activates pretty log output. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Machine auth API key used to validate internal requests necessary for the access to resources from other services. |
7.0.0 |
int |
1 |
Maximum number of concurrent go-routines. Higher values can potentially get work done faster but will also cause more load on the system. Values of 0 or below will be ignored and the default value will be used. |
pre5.0 |
string |
https://localhost:9200 |
The identity provider value to set in the userids of the CS3 user objects for users returned by this user provider. |
5.0 |
string |
Path to the 'banned passwords list' file. This only impacts public link password validation. See the documentation for more details. |
5.0 |
bool |
false |
Disable the password policy. Defaults to false if not set. |
5.0 |
int |
8 |
Define the minimum password length. Defaults to 8 if not set. |
5.0 |
int |
1 |
Define the minimum number of digits. Defaults to 1 if not set. |
5.0 |
int |
1 |
Define the minimum number of uppercase letters. Defaults to 1 if not set. |
5.0 |
int |
1 |
Define the minimum number of characters from the special characters list to be present. Defaults to 1 if not set. |
5.0 |
int |
1 |
Define the minimum number of lowercase letters. Defaults to 1 if not set. |
pre5.0 |
string |
nats-js-kv |
The type of the store. Supported values are: 'memory', 'redis-sentinel', 'nats-js-kv', 'noop'. See the text description for details. |
5.0 |
string |
The password to authenticate with the store. Only applies when store type 'nats-js-kv' is configured. |
5.0 |
string |
The username to authenticate with the store. Only applies when store type 'nats-js-kv' is configured. |
pre5.0 |
[]string |
[] |
A list of nodes to access the configured store. This has no effect when 'memory' store is configured. Note that the behaviour how nodes are used is dependent on the library of the configured store. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
Duration |
0s |
Time to live for events in the store. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
string |
com.owncloud.api.gateway |
The CS3 gateway endpoint. |
5.0 |
string |
The ID of the service account the service should use. See the 'auth-service' service description for more details. |
5.0 |
string |
The service account secret. |
5.0 |
bool |
true |
Set this to true if you want to enforce passwords on all public shares. |
5.0 |
bool |
false |
Set this to true if you want to enforce passwords for writable shares. Only effective if the setting for 'passwords on all public shares' is set to false. |
6.0.0 |
bool |
false |
Include user email addresses in responses. If absent or set to false emails will be omitted from results. Please note that admin users can always see all email addresses. |
pre5.0 |
uint64 |
0 |
Set the global max quota value in bytes. A value of 0 equals unlimited. The value is provided via capabilities. |
pre5.0 |
string |
API key for the STORAGE-SYSTEM system user. |
pre5.0 |
string |
ID of the oCIS STORAGE-SYSTEM system user. Admins need to set the ID for the STORAGE-SYSTEM system user in this config option which is then used to reference the user. Any reasonable long string is possible, preferably this would be an UUIDv4 format. |
pre5.0 |
string |
internal |
IDP of the oCIS STORAGE-SYSTEM system user. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The HTTP endpoint for sending spans directly to a collector, i.e. http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces. Only used if the tracing endpoint is unset. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Activates tracing. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The endpoint of the tracing agent. |
pre5.0 |
string |
The type of tracing. Defaults to '', which is the same as 'jaeger'. Allowed tracing types are 'jaeger' and '' as of now. |
pre5.0 |
string |
Transfer secret for signing file up- and download requests. |
7.0.0 |
string |
(optional) Set this to a path with custom translations to overwrite the builtin translations. Note that file and folder naming rules apply, see the documentation for more details. |
pre5.0 |
string |
https://localhost:9200/ |
Base url to navigate back from the app to the containing folder in the file list. |
pre5.0 |
bool |
false |
Disable the chat functionality of the office app. |
pre5.0 |
Duration |
0s |
The delay between a change made to a tree and the propagation start on treesize and treetime. Multiple propagations are computed to a single one. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details. |
pre5.0 |
string |
com.owncloud.api.settings |
Endpoint of the permissions service. The endpoints can differ for 'ocis' and 's3ng'. |