Collaboration and Links
Collaborate With Other Users on Files and Folders

The Mobile App for iOS supports the following collaboration functionality:
Adding users and grant permissions
Adding groups and grant permissions
Changing permissions
Deleting collaborators
Manage Links
Grant Access With Links
Just as with the web interface, the iOS app lets you grant access to both files and folders with links. Specifically, you can do the following:
Copy Private Links
To copy a private link to a file or folder, click the more icon on the far right-hand side of the file, and then click Links. As in the example below, you will then see the private link to the file. Clicking copy on the far right-hand side will copy the link to the iOS clipboard.
Create Public Links
To create public links to a file or folder, click the more icon on the far right-hand side of the file, and then click Links. Then, under Public Links, click Create Public Link in the Public Links section. You will then see the links for the option, as in the image below.
As with the web interface, you can set:
A link name
Link permissions

To see more details about each option, click the info icon in the bottom right-hand corner. |
Set Passwords and Expiration Dates

To set a password on a public link, under "Options", enable Password. Then, type a password in the field that appears below the Password option.

To set an expiration date on a public link, under "Options", enable Expiration date. Then, pick the date that the link should expire with the date picker that appears below the Expiration date option.
Send Public Link URLs to Other Apps
To share a public link URL via other apps:
Open the Public Link’s details.
Click the share button at the bottom left-hand corner, which opens the iOS Share Sheet.
Share the link through the app of your choice.
Delete Public Links
There are two ways to delete a public link.
When viewing the list of links for a file or folder, swipe left on the link that you want to delete, and click Delete.
image::collaboration/swipe-and-delete-public-link.png[, width=250] -
When viewing the Public Link, click Delete at the bottom of the page, under Copy Public Link.
image::collaboration/delete-public-link.png[Delete a Public Link in ownCloud’s iOS app, by clicking Delete at the bottom of the Public Link details page, width=250]